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Travel me a story: „I miss people the most!” – Karina Nechak, Ukraine

Karina este ritm si bucurie, genul acela de persoana in preajma careia nu poti sta suparat. Ne-am cunoscut in Ungaria, in 2014, in timpul unui proiect Erasmus +, al carui nume imi pare chiar sugestiv acum, „Time travel is possible”. 

Am mai pastrat legatura pe facebook si m-am bucurat tare mult sa vad cum pasiunea sa pentru muzica a devenit tot mai mare si s-a concretizat chiar cu participarea sa la evenimente. O poti asculta aici:! 🎉

Muzica este o parte vitala din viata mea! Ador sa ascult muzica, sa caut sunete noi, sa cant si sa iau lectii de canto! Nu cantam intr-o trupa, ma simteam mai mult ca un „solo performer”. Dar zilele acestea am inceput sa lucrez la mai multe proiecte muzicale impreuna cu colegele mele, astfel ca va fi prima mea experienta intr-o trupa.

Si desi as putea sa iti povestesc mai multe despre ea, te voi lasa sa o descoperi in randurile urmatoare, in cadrul proiectului „Travel me a story”.  

Daca esti pentru prima data pe blogul meu, Travel me a story este un proiect pe care l-am inceput pentru a arata ca „impreuna” nu este numai un cuvant care a fost folosit prea des in ultima vreme. Luptam impreuna impotriva acestui virus, dar avem de spus propriile povesti. Ne-am explorat pasiunile, am inceput cursuri online, am practicat tot felul de activitati fizice sau pur si simplu am lenevit in pat. Si este perfect in regula! Pentru ca suntem diferiti si avem propriul mod de a ramane calmi si de a „supravietui” acestei perioade.

Este un proiect prin care am incercat sa ma reconectez cu oamenii cu care am pierdut legatura, din diferite tari, si sa arat cum se simt ei si cum este privit virusul acolo. 

Povestea de astazi incepe in Sumy, Ucraina,
orasul in care Karina locuieste impreuna cu mama sa

Perioada carantinei a fost provocatoare pentru mine! Imi place sa fiu in preajma oamenilor, iar acum simt lipsa comunicarii interpersonale. Sunt HR Manager la o companie globala de IT, astfel ca, lucrul cu oamenii, sarcina mea prioritara, a devenit un pic “artificiala”, din cauza interactiunii virtuale. Lucrez de acasa din 02 aprilie. 

Cred ca, dupa terminarea carantinei, primul loc in care voi merge este biroul. Imi lipsesc tare mult colegii. Vreau sa merg la o plimbare, sa beau o cafea de la cafeneaua mea preferata, sa merg la cumparaturi cu prietenii sau pur si simplu sa ma bucur sa fiu afara cat timp imi doresc. 

Nu sunt stresata, deoarece stiu ca este o situatie temporara si se va termina curand. Cu toate astea, pentru a trece mai usor peste perioada asta complicata, am inceput sa fac mai multe lucruri pe care le tot amanam.

Spre exemplu, am terminat o pictura pe care o incepusem in ianuarie si de care nu m-am mai ocupat intre timp.

Am descoperit o aplicatie foarte draguta – Smule, pentru cantat, iar acum planuiesc sa inregistrez cateva cantece.

Nu urmaresc statistica cu oameni infectati. De fapt, nu urmaresc nici stirile.
Prefer sa ma izolez de acest val de informatii – ma ajuta sa imi pastrez balanta interioara.

Care este situatia scolilor de acolo?

Se studiaza online, dar asta lasa mult de dorit. Profesorii le dau foarte multe teme pentru acasa copiilor si ii pun sa trimita poze pe Viber cu rezolvarile. Asta a devenit o foarte mare problema pentru parinti, deoarece trebuie sa le explice copiilor partea teoretica – nu mai este nevoie sa spun ca este foarte complicat pentru ei, deoarece nu au o pregatire, iar majoritatea nu cunosc anumite lucruri. Spre exemplu, parintii nu au invatat limba engleza, insa acum trebuie sa le explice copiilor regulile de gramatica.

Ce iti lipseste cel mai tare? Sau cine? 

Cel mai tare imi lipsesc oamenii.

English translation below

Karina is rhythm and joy, is that kind of person that you can’t be mad when is around. We met in Hungary, in 2014, during an Erasmus + project,  which seems to have a very suggestive name during this period, „Time travel is possible”. 

We kept in touch through Facebook and I really enjoyed to see how her passion for music has grown that big that she even has participated at some events. You can listen to her here:! 🎉

Music is a vital part of my life! I adore listening to the music, keep searching for new sounds, I love singing and do vocal classes. I’m not singing in a band, feel more like solo performer. But these days I prepare musical projects with my colleagues…so it will be my first band experience. 

And even if I can tell you a lot about Karina, I will let you discover her through the next lines, in the „Travel me a story” project.  

Travel me a story is a project that I started to show that „together” is not just a word that has been used a lot in these times. We are fighting together with this virus and we have different stories to tell about this. Some of us have explored their passions, have started online courses, practicing sports or laid in bed. But is perfectly alright! Because we are so different and we have our personal ways of remaining calm and „survive” this. 

Is a project that helps me reconnect with people I lost contact with, from different countries, and to show how they feel and what’s the face of the virus where they live.

Our today story starts in Sumy, Ukraine, where Karina lives with her mother. 

I’m living in Ukraine, small city – Sumy. I live in two-rooms flat with my mother.

The quarantine period was a bit challenging for me…I do really like to be among people and I feel great lack of interpersonal communication. I’m working from home now (from April, 02). I’m HR Manager in a global IT company, so working with people is my priority task, which became a bit „artificial” because of virtual interaction.

Where is the first place you want to go after the lockdown?

 I think it will be my office, because I do really miss my colleagues. Also, I want to go for a walk, drink coffee from my favorite cafe, go shopping with my friends and simply enjoy being outside as long as I want.

I don’t feel like really stressed, because I realize that this is a temporary situation that will end soon. Still, to overpass this complicated period I started doing number of things that were on my long-list. First, I have completed drawing a picture that I have started in January and didn’t have time to complete it. I discovered very nice app – Smule, which is for singing and now I plan to record a few songs. 

There are a lot of people affected? 

I don’t really follow the statistics. Actually, I don’t even read news. I prefer to isolate my mind from this information flow – it helps me to keep my inner balance.

What happened with schools there?

We have online studying, but it leaves to be desired. Teachers just give tons of home tasks for school children and ask to send photos on Viber with all the completed tasks. That’s a huge problem for parents, because they have to explain their kids all the theory – not necessary to say, that it’s a complicated as long as most of them are not teachers and moreover simply don’t know some stuff (for instance, parents didn’t learn English, but they have to explain some grammar rules…).

What did you miss the most? Or who?

I miss people the most!

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